top of page I kinda joined the U.S. Army

Okay so, I didn't kinda join. I definitely enlisted in the U.S. Army. I feel honored and overjoyed right now. I'm still up on a high, because I just graduated from basic training 2 days ago. I'm so very grateful for my family coming out to be apart of this accomplishment with me. I went back and forth with the decision of joining the military since high school. My ASVAB score was pretty decent so they were really doing their best to recruit me. However, I made the decision to go forth with my college education and revisit the subject later. After college, I got a job as a lab tech with my chemistry degree. The pay was decent, but I was unhappy and feeling unfulfilled. I wasn't following my heart, I was following a dollar bill. Deep down in my heart, I want to become an optometrist and assist people with their vision.

I had a conversation with my big cousin who is an Army veteran along with his wife. He told me that they already have money for their son's college education. I took the conversation very seriously and started back gathering information on the military. I was also looking down at a pretty penny of college debt and looking up at an aspiring degree that will cost me well over 100K to obtain, so I had some decisions to make. I was initially interested in the Air Force (people speak so highly of that branch). I took the ASVAB again and scored really decent. I spoke with current and prior service members, then to Air Force, Navy, and Army recruiters. I turned down some deals, negotiated, and walked out of some offices. Ultimately, the Army gave me what I was asking for and a bit more.

I discussed my decision with close family and close friends only. I gathered all my dealings, trained a bit, and left for basic training. As mentioned before, I just finished basic and am now waiting to start my schooling to train to be an engineer for the U.S. Army. I have a plan and I'm sticking with it. Figure out what you want to accomplish and figure out what needs to be done to get there. Only take advice from those who have done what you're wanting to do. Don't ever give up on yourself or your family. Dreams Do Come True.

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