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King Alchemy đŸ‘‘đŸ¶

King Alchemy came into my life & I was sooo hesitant. First of all, I was afraid of dogs & I felt like I was too busy to have a pet. My gf wanted a dog to occupy her time and fill her loneliness because I worked night shifts at work & would sleep all day. She pleaded so I gave in & said okay. A couple days later, she brings in a male American Bulldog & Labrador mix. She allowed me to name him Alchemy. Alchemy is the process of turning into gold. Over time, I completely fell in love with him & now he’s very spoiled. I allow him to do what I once would think unimaginable; like giving me kisses & sleeping in my bed. I only want the best for him but I have trouble not spoiling him so it makes me very nervous about having kids lol. He’s my practice for now. Meet King Alchemy  

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